We recently asked our Wesleyan University college chapter, SHOFCO-Wesleyan, what they've been up to this semester. Turns out: a ton. Here's what they wrote in to tell us:
SHOFCO-Wes has been up to a lot this semester.
We started out the semester with a collaboration with the African Student Association and the Wesleyan Chapter of Half The Sky in screening the film: To Educate A Girl. We also collaborated with four different acapella groups during Valentine's Day Weekend for our Singing-Grams event (which fundraised a solid amount of money for our overall fundraising goal for the 4th grade classroom). We also collaborated with the Caribbean Student Association and had a table at their fair in March.
We've been doing a lot of planning for a couple of events that are coming up these next few weeks. Since it is WesFest this week, we are having a fundraiser at a local restaurant (Typhoon) where 10% of the proceeds from lunch and dinner (starting Wednesday until Saturday) will be going towards SHOFCO. Also, we are participating in the Student Activities Fair tomorrow with a booth outside, and are running a WeSeminar on SHOFCO and Social Entrepreneurship tomorrow from 12-2pm in PAC001. We are also collaborating with WesBAM (formerly known as WesWell) for a SHOFCO Yoga event on the hill from 4:30 onwards tomorrow as well.
Next week, on April 27th (a Saturday) we're having an all day concert/festival (called SHOFCOchella). This basically entails a festival from 12-5 with music, a DUNK TANK (all our dreams are finally coming true there), and food for sale in the backyard of Psi U (a fraternity we're collaborating with). Then, from 10 pm-1:30 am we're having a ticketed concert inside of Psi U, featuring The Rooks, Josh Smith & The Riot Act, and E. Oks.
We've also been designing and are now about to produce SHOFCO Bro Tanks that will be for sale on campus until the end of the semester. Along with this, we're also planning a photo exhibit (tentatively to be called something like: A Day in the Life of a Girl) for Reunion and Commencement here at Wesleyan (in the student-run cafe, called Espwesso).
Concurrent with all of these projects, we've also been doing a weekly Girl of the Week at our meetings, along with an Audio reading project led by Holly Everett where students read children's books and record the audio of their readings so that it may be sent to the girls."
These guys have been busy! And as if that wasn't impressive enough, they're already thinking ahead to next year:
We've also been planning a Variety Show and a Dance-a-thon for the beginning of next year.
Amazing -- can't wait!
SHOFCO-Wes chapter leaders brainstorm during a group meeting.
Thanks to SHOFCO-Wes for an event-packed semester! Keep an eye out for updates from another one of our college chapters, SHOFCO-Oberlin, coming soon!
Want to start a chapter on your campus? Awesome! Email Nathan at nathan@shininghopeforcommunties.org to get started and to be put in touch with other chapter leaders!