Shining Hope's water tower
Most homes in Kibera have no running water, forcing individuals to buy their water from private vendors who charge two to ten times what those living outside the slums pay for water. Often this water is not properly stored or treated, causing widespread water-borne disease.
In order to offer a safe, affordable, and convenient alternative, Shining Hope is building a new water point in Kibera, which will soon be the slum’s largest single source of clean water. A 100,000-liter tank, fed from the Nairobi municipal water system, will provide safe and reliable water to thousands of Kibera residents.
This water will be treated with chlorine and distributed to the community at our new water kiosk. We will be charging an affordable price of two shillings (approximately two US cents) per 20-liter container, and the money collected will cover the cost of water pump operations, chlorine, and the salary of the water kiosk attendant. Our water will be cheaper than most water currently for sale in Kibera, and will be clean, safe, and reliable.
Last Friday, water began to fill Shining Hope’s new water tank and we will begin selling water within the next few weeks. We are also developing a water education program to tell people about clean water and proper hygiene and sanitation.
This clean water access point is important in improving the lives of Kiberans, and we are excited to be opening it to the public in the very near future!