Pre-k showing off their diplomas
This week marked the graduation ceremony for the students of Kibera School for Girls! The ceremony took place in the new school and proved what a terrific venue the large multi-purpose room can be! Parents were invited and the turnout was terrific. The girls were all smiles as they were presented with their diplomas and told by Anne, the headmistress, to look their parents in the eyes and “show them with your face how you are feeling.” How did the girls appear to be feeling? Very proud and happy!
After the ceremony, parents were invited to the school library to see and hear about student projects. For the cultural diversity unit in social studies the girls learned about their own and their classmates’ heritages. Each class created numerous art projects on the subject.
2nd graders Natasha, Lillian, Idah, and Velma in front of their projects
Movin, kindergarten, behind a model of a traditional Luhya village
Students also performed songs, dances, and poems they had created for their parents. Family in attendance loved the performances and frequently danced and sang along.
It was a fantastic day enjoyed by all and we are extremely proud of all our students.