Orientation (Part Two)!

Our Summer Institute orientation had so much happening that we could we could't fit everything into our first orientation blog post. Here's what happened in the second half of our program orientation:

On Monday, orientation shifted to the guesthouse where our American volunteers are staying, where we had an intensive day of lesson planning, making sure that lessons were polished and ready to go for the KSG girls. We were joined by the incredible team of teachers from the Chapin School – an all girls school in New York City. Teachers from Chapin have partnered with The Kibera School for Girls during the last two summers to join our teachers for three weeks of professional development work. We are so happy to have them with us for a third year! On Monday, the Chapin teachers spent the morning working with our volunteers on how to approach the literacy sessions they will be leading every morning with their “animal groups”. They also gave out some teaching tips and tricks, invaluable to SI participants about to start leading lessons.

The Chapin teachers lead a literacy training.

The Chapin teachers lead a literacy training.

In the afternoon, we had two lesson planning sessions. There are so many amazing ideas! We don’t want to ruin the suspense by telling you what topics will be taught, but let’s just say the girls are going have so much fun – and learn a lot too! As the lessons happen, we’ll make sure to tell you about them!

At the end of the day, Jessica and Kennedy joined us to tell the story of SHOFCO and the Summer Institute. Both were so humbled to meet the Summer Institute volunteers, and thanked them for devoting their time to the Kibera School for Girls. They chatted with participants, got to know them better, and welcomed them to the SHOFCO movement!

Kennedy and Jessica join the SI team!

Kennedy and Jessica join the SI team!

Tuesday was the last day of orientation – a full day at the Kibera School for Girls, with an all-school kick-off assembly at the end of the day! The morning was spent making some last minute touches on past lesson plans and coming up with new ideas. The whole school was so excited for the assembly, and the morning flew by. After recess, the girls assembled in our Great Hall and waited at the edge of their seats for their Summer Institute teachers to join.  The SI team entered to a murmur of excitement and the assembly began.

Select KSG teachers and students spent last weekend learning to play the recorder from an expert teacher from the United States. They performed four pieces from their impressive new repertoire. It was the perfect way to start of the kick off assembly! Not to be outdone, the Pre-K girls performed a few of the poems they’ve been working on for the National Poetry and Elocution competition. “My Mom is My Best Friend” was so cute and released a flood of Oohs and Aahs from everyone watching. After the school poems, the SHOFCO-Youth theater department graced the stage with a traditional dance performance of incredible intensity. Neighbors from around the school rushed to the windows and doors to get a glimpse of the youth’s dancing. Non-stop drumming and dancing ended with a massive applause.

The SHOFCO Youth performing a traditional dance at our kick-off assembly!

The SHOFCO Youth performing a traditional dance at our kick-off assembly!

The last part of the assembly was the most exciting: the girls got to find out their animal groups and meet their teachers! And to make the excitement even greater, they were generously given shirts, shorts, and shoes from the Chapin teachers. With their new “uniforms” in hand they sat down with their new SI teachers, coming up with cheers for their group. Our favorite has to be the Lions’ cheer:

We are the Lions! We are big & strong! Roar! Roar! Roar! Roar!

It was a perfect assembly – what a way to start the Institute!

It has been fantastic to see how well the Summer Institute team of SHOFCO Youth and American college students have come together over orientation. It’s hard to believe everyone met less than a week ago!  We’re so excited to see what they accomplish with our students at The Kibera School for Girls!

The girls finally get to meet their animal group teachers!

The girls finally get to meet their animal group teachers!

Thanks for following all the happenings at the Summer Institute. As always, make sure to keep up with everything at Shining Hope for Communities by following us on Facebook and Twitter! Make sure to engage with us there, and in the comments below -- we love to hear your thoughts!

[Are you an undergraduate student interested in participating in the 2014 Summer Institute program? Great! Send an email to Nathan at nathan@shininghopeforcommunities.org and we'll notify you with important information and deadlines as next Summer approaches!]