Some of our Kibera School for Girls students with Linda and Bob Forrester, the President and CEO of Newman's Own Foundation. The picture was taken this summer when the girls were here for leadership programs.
In honor of the International Day of the Girl, Newman’s Own Foundation has pledged $800,000 over five years, to further SHOFCO’s work empowering and educating girls in Kenyan slums.
Newman’s Own is one of the organizations the White House recognized yesterday for making a new commitment to Let Girls Learn - an initiative launched by First Lady, Michelle Obama, to fight for girls' education globally. We are so proud to be a Newman's Own partner; they were one of SHOFCO’s first major funders and they have provided unwavering support in the past six years.
Our Kibera School for Girls students are entering their final year as eight graders in January. But, with this new commitment from Newman’s Own, SHOFCO will be able to provide the exceptional support our girls need well into high school.
To learn more about our Kibera School for Girls, click here. For more information on the $800,000 commitment, read below for a full press release:
Newman's Own Foundation today announced a $1 million commitment to support the education of girls, aimed at helping them to reach their full potential without discrimination or barriers. $200,000 has been granted to the Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund. An additional grant of $800,000 over five years is being made to Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO), which runs the Kibera and Mathare Schools for Girls in Kenya, so girls may continue their education through high school.
The International Day of the Girl was established to recognize the need to educate young girls and empower them to overcome the complex physical, cultural, and financial barriers in accessing education. When girls are educated, they lead healthier and more productive lives with skills and knowledge that help them break the cycle of poverty and strengthen their communities.
Newman's Own Foundation began funding SHOFCO in Kibera, one of Africa's largest slums, in 2010 as the earliest major philanthropic investor, and has continued support which has helped educate girls, first grade through eighth grade. The Foundation's commitment of $800,000 will help the girls continue their education beyond eighth grade, supporting scholarships and enrichment programs, principally at high schools and colleges in the U.S. and abroad.
The Peace Corps Let Girls Learn Fund will use the Foundation's grant to help educate adolescent girls with community-led solutions in various parts of the world. Let Girls Learn is a U.S. government initiative launched by the President and First Lady that helps girls attain a quality education that they deserve.
"Newman's Own Foundation is proud to support efforts to help girls learn, encouraging them to dream and reach their full potential," said Bob Forrester, President and CEO of Newman's Own Foundation. "We join First Lady Michelle Obama in the effort to raise awareness around the need to educate girls."
Forrester added, "In the years that we've supported SHOFCO, we've seen a transformation of the girls who came from horrid conditions in the slum and became educated, talented, and hopeful for the future. The Peace Corps empowers local leaders around the world to put lasting solutions in place. We see that education and opportunity open doors for a better life, and we're confident that our grants will help empower young girls to achieve more.